Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Another Day ..... enough said

Had one of those thoroughly mind numbing non-productive days. Emotionally draining and frustrating to say the least. However I made a list of all the lovely things I need to get finished this week and hopefully I will be able to complete at least half.

On the plus side I am halfway on the Lucy bag I am knitting, it is supposed to be the shop sample for a class I have been asked to teach at The Sassy Knitter in Aiken. I hope to have a lot of folks sign up for the class ...... bigger groups tend to be more fun and certainly more profitable. Everybody seemed to really like the bag I knit for myself made out of some lovely Cascade 220 Quatro that I bought from a destash.... the color looked much greener in the picture and it had been lingering in my stash. I bought some complementary yarns at the Close Knit knittery & Press in Gastonia and voila a southwest turquoise inspired bag was created
Lucy bag knitted felted OOAK

Initially I thought I would ad stuff to the bag but I like it the way it looks now and the pin I added has been in my collection for years yet I rarely get to wear it as it is quite heavy. I must have been a Magpie or Crow in a previous life I simply cannot resist pretty shiny things, regardless of style I must have some of everything. I will post a picture of the sample bag I am knitting once it is finished and will try my very best to figure out how to ad a list of all my favorite knitting sites

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